Budding entrepreneurs with strong business ideas are looking for professional business consultants online who can help them in establishing their setup with business registration in Kenya. If your services deal in the same and you know the requirements to register a company in Kenya, you are invited to appear in KenyaCompanies.com business listing. Whether you want to attract more clients to your business name registration service, earn more profit, or improve your company’s visibility, business directory listing can help you a lot.
Objectionable Business Names:
The proposed Business Name should NOT:
- Appear deceptively similar to an existing one.
- Be misleading or confusing as regards the intended nature of business to be carried on. An erroneous registration may, on application by aggrieved parties, be de-registered or proprietor may be required to change the name.
- Suggest connection or association with any arm of government or county authority.
- Include Cooperative, Building Society, Bank, Banking or Trust as those have specific law that governs them.
- Include the name of a registered Trademark without consent of owner.
- Include words like ‘International, National, or Commonwealth unless granted exceptional waver or in special circumstances.
- Without valid reasons include a ‘proper name’ if it is not a surname of the owner or directors.
Note: Bear in mind that hundreds of thousands of business names have over the years been registered. So make your choices as unique as possible and you will get an approval at the first instance.
The Process:
Once you have chosen the name of your business, you should decide between the two types of registrable businesses; these are, Sole Proprietorship or Partnership.
- Then Search for the availability of the name that you choose. Normal period 3 days: Once you have an available name, it will be reserved for 30 days at a fee of Kes. 100 and that can be renewed for a similar period.
- Application for Business name registration: Once a name is searched and reserved one can now fill Form BN2 and present it to the Registrar-General for the registration of the Business name under the Registration of Business Names Act, Chapter 499, Revised Edition 2012. The Fee for this service is Kes. 800.
- The Business Name certificate of registration, also referred to as BN3 will be processed thereafter.
The Requirements:
- Proposed Business name for name search reservation.
- The nature of Business, naming at least one activity the business will undertake.
- Names of the Proprietor/s in Full.
- Postal address for the Business.
- Proposed Physical address for the Business. That should include Name of Street, Road, Plot number, Town and County.
- Copy of Identity Card (ID or Passport of the Proprietor or Partners).
- Passport photo (colored) of the Proprietor/s.
- Copy of PIN certificate of the Proprietor/s or partner/s.
- Full particulars of the owner or partners- to include profession or occupation, relation with one another, academic and professional qualifications.
- Sole Proprietor or Partners to sign Form BN2 and submit to Registrar-General. For Sole Proprietorship only the sole Partner has to sign. A Partnership can have as many as 20 Partners.
- Include date of the commencement of business.
- Allow a week or two for registration.
Our team wishes you a smooth Registration Process. In case of any difficulty, kindly direct your enquiries to info@eliteaccounting.co.ke.